Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy evaluation, treatment, and plan of care are carried out by a licensed therapist.

Dawn has over 25 years as an expert manual-based physical therapist for kids and adults, and 10+ years in Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. Her passion in treating patients is to provide customized total care and a holistic approach for the patient’s quickest recovery and return to function while feeling empowered in their journey. She holds advanced certifications including advanced myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, breathing pattern disorders, positional releases, visceral mobilization, and nerve gliding. She has taken extensive coursework in pelvic floor disorders, pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction, spine, orthopedics, balance, vestibular and pelvic rehabilitation; chronic pain, nutritional coaching, breath-work, and nervous system calming techniques (AAT).

She specializes in Abdomino-pelvic health for men, women, and pediatrics treating coccyx injuries, abdominal pain after surgery, hernias, CPPS, post-prostatectomy, manual therapy, and treatment for pregnancy & postpartum care, urinary urgency, retention, leaking; mastitis, clogged ducts, diastasis recti, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, pelvic pain, vaginismus, vulvodynia, endometriosis, pudendal neuralgia, abdominophrenic dyssynergia, Peri/Menopause, hormonal changes, the female athlete, pediatric voiding dysfunction, healing chronic pain, craniosacral therapy and lymphatic drainage techniques.

Dawn has advanced neuro-developmental background in pediatrics along with extensive training for pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction and treats infants from 0 to 3, and children up to 18+ for potty training, constipation, encopresis, daytime wetting, bedwetting, Hirschsprung’s, imperforate anus, GERD, torticollis, soiling, leaking. She is one of the few Pediatric Pelvic Floor Specialists in the area.

Specialized events she attended include Pediatric Professional Mastermind, Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership, Pelvic Boot Camp, PT Mastermind, and Women’s in Women’s Health Summit for Pelvic Pain; Institute Of Women’s Health Summit, International Pelvic Pain Society Annual Meetings.

Out of the clinic, Dawn enjoys volunteering, leading her local Boy Scout organization, camping & hiking with her son, love of live music, playing piano, yoga, and meditation.

Dawn Chimento attended New York University for Undergraduate and Graduate degrees in Physical Therapy graduating magna cum laude.

Dawn has over 25 years as an expert manual-based physical therapist for kids and adults, and 10+ ... Read More

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Located at: 2455 Francis Lewis Boulevard, Whitestone
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